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Cosmetic Dentistry

4229 Lafayette Center Dr

STE 1125 B-2 

Chantilly , Virginia - 20151


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Cosmetic Dentistry at Smile Daily Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Many dental services fall into the realm of cosmetic dentistry. Whenever a procedure is performed in order to preserve the appearance of your smile, it could be considered cosmetic or aesthetic services.

Often times, cosmetic and restorative dentistry overlap. Crowns may be considered cosmetic when performed on front or “anterior” teeth.

Whitening is a form of cosmetic dentistry and so are clear teeth aligners and braces in some instances. Cosmetic dentistry can dramatically improve your appearance but it can also contribute to your speech and eating habits.

Some cosmetic services include: dental veneers, whitening, crowns, Invisalign, and much more.

If you are considering changing the appearance of your smile, contact our dentist Dr. Ashima Ahuja for her recommendation. Cosmetic dentists are often general dentists that excel in and enjoy cosmetic dental procedures.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a permanent cosmetic and restorative solution. Dr. Ahuja and her team are highly trained and committed to helping you look your best.

During the initial consultation, the team at Smile Daily Dentistry will listen to your goals and determine if you are a candidate for porcelain veneers. If porcelain veneers will provide the outcome you are seeking, the dentist will provide a comprehensive exam and a customized treatment plan.

The first phase involves creating impressions of your teeth so the veneers can be custom-designed. Next, some of the tooth structure will be removed to prepare for placement of the porcelain veneers. While the permanent porcelain veneers are being manufactured, temporary veneers may be applied to your teeth for aesthetic and functional purposes. Porcelain veneers are color-matched to your specifications—ensuring the final product meets your expectations.

During the final visit, your custom porcelain veneers will be permanently placed and adjusted for a perfect fit, enhancing your smile.

Teeth Whitening

Lifestyle choices and aging can adversely impact your smile. White teeth are the foundation of beautiful, bright smiles. Dr. Ahuja and the team at Smile Daily Dentistry will evaluate your smile and recommend a custom molded tray which fits your anatomy.

Our professional grade products will provide results far superior and longer lasting than over the counter options and your dentist will oversee your treatment to ensure that your smile is healthy for the best possible result.


Bonding is the application of tooth-colored composite resin to enhance the appearance of your smile. It can be used:

● To correct cracks or gaps in teeth
● To cover up stains or discolored teeth
● As a filling after a cavity has been removed

First, the doctor will choose a shade of composite resin that will match and enhance your smile. Then the composite resin will be applied and sculpted over your tooth. After the resin has been applied, an LED light is used to harden the resin. It will then be polished. Results are achieved immediately and can subtly or drastically change the appearance of your smile.

Bonding is a safe, affordable and aesthetically pleasing solution for many dental problems.

What Patients Say About Our Modern Dentistry Services

Dr Ash is an amazing dentist. Pure professional at her core but friendly and warm makes the over all experience amazing and would recommend her 100%. She was also wonderful with my children. I highly recommend you schedule a appointment and see Dr Ash today.

— Connor W.

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